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Are you ready to step up your YouTube game?

          Here's how I can help!

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I am BIG on keeping a consistent brand throughout each and every video.


You’ll get so much time back by handing over the editing. More time for you to bust out more content!



Hiring an editor will help you stay accountable in keeping a consistent schedule. And staying consistent will help you grow your channel!



My ultimate goal is to help you make that all-important connection with your audience through your videos.






First you will fill out the application (BUTTON BELOW), if you meet the minimum requirements to work with me, I will send you an invitation to sign up for a free 30 minute zoom call so that we can get to know each other a bit better. I love these calls because I get to hear directly from you what your vision is for your videos. I’ll be able to share my editing process with you and we will see if working together would

be a good fit!


If it feels like a good fit, you'll be able to decide which editing package(s) fit your needs the best. I will then write up a contract. Once that is signed and the first invoice is paid, I will set up a shared google drive folder for us to send files back and forth. Once I receive your first video files, I will start editing! The first week is a lot of back and forth once we discover what you like and how you want your videos to look. After this initial process, the rest is a breeze!


Happy Monday Daily Quotes Instagram Post

Application for Video Editing with Becky Hunt Media

Before working with Becky 1 on 1, we would love 

to know a little more about you.


Thanks for your interest in working with Becky. *Due to Becky's schedule, please note that a 30 minute call is NOT guaranteed to everyone who applies. Becky will review the application and will contact you with in 36 hours with more information.


*To be considered for a call with Becky, 

you must meet certain minimum requirements. 

You must be:

  •  Age 24 or older

  • You are an entrepreneur and have a powerful message to share

  • Film on a camera with at least 720p resolution

  • Planning to upload at least 1 video per week


*If you meet these requirements, then let's get started!

Hey I'm BECKY HUNT, a video editor who h
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